A little bit better blazed salmon

Дейности на открито, Food by Nina P., 1.8.2017

Slow-cooked open-flame salmon is a traditional camping food and an often-cooked dinner delicacy in Finland. It was not until this summer that I decided to bring some new flavours to this great classic. No worries: I won’t present you any fusion or molecule cuisine, just some moderate fine-tuning of flavours.

The main ingredient of this dish is patience. You need to have patience to keep the salmon sufficiently far away from the fire and to wait for it to cook. The slower the cooking, the better the taste.

A little bit better blazed salmon
Put the salmon, as uniformly thick as possible, on a wooden plank and fasten firmly with wooden pegs. The fish will be cooked over a low heat for a long time, so keep an eye on it so that it won’t fall in the ashes when it cooks around the pegs. You can also turn it around during the cooking.

Put some melted butter in a bowl and season it with salt.

During the blazing, baste the salmon regularly with the melted butter (...yeah, this is not a weight watchers’ hint corner)

When done, the taste of the fish will be roasty and very round.

Lift the fish and place it on its side. Let it rest for a while and baste it with a thin layer of honey. No worries: the fish won’t turn sweet, the honey will have just a delicate flavour and support the taste of the salty butter and the delicious fish.

After this, there’s nothing else to do but eat and enjoy.

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